Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Essay 2-01b: Kumamoto recommend places

 Kumamoto has many recommend places.

 First place is Amakusa. Amakusa has so beautiful sea. Amakusa's fishes is fresh and delicious. Amakusa's sea was used as the Ganryu Island for location making a TV drama The Duel Ganryu Island. There is the Amakusa village of the love. There is the statue of Shiro Amakusa. He was so handsome. He is symbol of Amakusa. Amuri spa is famous spa place. Its spa is relaxed. It can do Syukuhaku. Amakusa Ariake highway is famous place. There is the big objet of octopus and artificial sea.

 Second place is Hikarinomori. Hikarinomori has many shops. In that, Yu-me-town is the biggest and most famous shipping mole. It has many famous shops. For example, McDonald's, Sushi market, and Xebio.
Yu-me-town has the movie theater. Not only that, Hikarinomori has good places. Mohikan ramen is good ramen place. Mohikan ramen is from Hakata. It is so delicious. It has the Karamiso. It is so spicy.

 Last place is Kumamoto city. Kumamoto city has Kamitori and Shimotori. They are good place. Kamitori has many shops. Kamitori's book ship is that my father often goes to buying old books. Kamitori has many bookstores. Next, Shimotori has more shops than Kamitori. Shimotori's famous ship is Parco. Parco is selling some clothing and musical instrumental. Shimotori has Tsuruya. Tsuruya is big shopping mole. Tsuruya is selling many kinds of consumptions and has many kinds of shops. Tsuruya's recommend shop is Tokyu hands. Tokyu hands are selling many usual and novel goods. Them price is cheep.

 They are Kumamoto recommend place. Kumamoto is very good prefecture.

269 words

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